
Both Matt and Yudit are keen enthusiasts of the classic British icon – the Mini.

Currently we have just the one, a 1995 Rover Mini Cooper 1.3i.
Alex, whose name is for a somewhat complicated reason, is our second Mini, and until recently was my daily drive. He’s a Japanese-spec Cooper with aircon – just the thing for those long hot, humid British summers…. Alex has taken us to the IMMs in Bavaria and Switzerland. He also took part in LEJOG in 2012 and 2013.

Our first Mini was Charlie, named after Michael Caine’s character in the Italian Job. Charlie  was British Racing Green. He took part in a number of UK events, including the Legendary North Devon Grand Tour 4 times, and going round Castle Coombe covered in green and white “cow blobs” the once. Unfortunately Charlie has moved on, after the nasty MoT man said he couldn’t go on the road any more.